Wednesday Lobby briefing
Briefing from the Prime Minister's Official Spokesman on: Al Qeada Admissions, UBL Chemical and biological capability, War Cabinet, Foreign Secretary, War Aims, BBC coverage of PMís travel plans, Jo Moore, and Montebourg Report on money laundering.
Prime Minister's interview with the BBC World Service
Full transcript of the Prime Minister's interview with the BBC World Service concerning military action in Afghanistan.
Tuesday Evening Lobby briefing
Briefing from the Prime Minister's Official Spokesman on: Prime Minister's trip and Special Adviser's email.
Prime Minister's statement to the House of Commons, 8 October 2001
In a statement to Parliament, the Prime Minister said that military action in Afghanistan was 'to protect our country, our people, our economy, our way of life'.
Prime Minister Tony Blair's interview with Al-Jazeera
In an interview with the satellite channel Al-Jazeera, the Prime Minister Tony Blair has said that the terrorist attacks in the United States 'was an act of injustice that meant that we had to take action against those people responsible'.
Prime Minister's statement on military action in Afghanistan
The Prime Minister Tony Blair made a statement on Sunday evening (7th October) concerning military action against targets in Afghanistan. Read the statement in full here.
Blair: Evidence against Bin Laden and his network is overwhelming
In a statement to Parliament, the Prime Minister said that there is overwhelming evidence that Usama Bin Laden and the Al Qaida network were responsible for the terrorist attacks on the US.
Responsibility for the terrorist atrocities in the United States
Evidence has been published by the Government which confirms that Usama Bin Laden and Al Qaida, the terrorist network which he heads, planned and carried out the atrocities on 11 September 2001.